COMBO review

5 min readMay 16, 2023



Cocos BCX is presently COMBO! Embrace the fate of Web3 gaming with our strong Layer2 scaling arrangement. Experience consistent associations and boundless potential. COMBO’s open-source, decentralized, game-situated Layer2 is available to everybody, utilizing the world’s top game motor to expand the capability of Web3 games by associating game designers with the whole environment in a productive, reasonable, and secure way. The platform’s down centered hopeful rollup around the BNB Chain, full-stack improvement tool compartment, and prepared to-utilize web3 game arrangement make it simpler for designers to begin with their activities.


COMBO has cooperated with a scope of driving organizations and undertakings in the blockchain and gaming businesses to assist with driving development and development in the Web3 gaming space. A portion of its key environment accomplices include:

Binance Smart Chain:

COMBO’s Web3 game arrangement is based on top of Binance Brilliant Chain (BSC), empowering game designers to construct and convey games that are quick, productive, and financially savvy.


COMBO has incorporated Chainlink’s decentralized prophet network into its Web3 game arrangement, empowering game designers to get to genuine information and APIs for their games.


COMBO has collaborated with Polygon to give game engineers a versatile and practical Layer 2 answer for building and sending Web3 games.

Animoca Brands:

COMBO has joined forces with Animoca Brands to bring its set-up of Web3 gaming answers for Animoca’s developing arrangement of blockchain games.


COMBO has cooperated with Elrond to empower game designers to fabricate and convey games on the Elrond blockchain, utilizing its quick and productive exchange speeds.

In general, these organizations help to reinforce COMBO’s situation as a main supplier of Web3 gaming arrangements, empowering the organization to offer game designers a scope of integral assets and innovations for building and scaling decentralized games.

Here’s why investors should pay attention to COMBO:

Massive Potential for Growth;

The gaming business is now enormous, and it’s just getting greater. As per Newzoo’s Worldwide Games Market Report, the worldwide gaming market is supposed to produce more than $218 billion in income by 2023. With the ascent of Web3 gaming, this number could be significantly higher, and COMBO is strategically set up to exploit this development.

By giving a thorough answer for Web3 game turn of events, COMBO is making a platform that can oblige a large number of game styles and types. This adaptability permits designers to make imaginative and special games that hang out in the Web3 gaming biological system. As more gamers take on Web3 games, the interest for superior grade, drawing in games will just increment, setting out an enormous freedom for COMBO and its financial backers.

Strategic Partnerships;

COMBO has previously settled significant organizations in the Web3 gaming industry, incorporating an association with Binance Brilliant Chain. This organization permits COMBO to use the force of Binance’s elite presentation blockchain innovation, giving a quick and solid platform for Web3 game turn of events. Other vital associations incorporate coordinated efforts with industry pioneers like Polygon, Celer, and Chainlink.

These organizations benefit clients of the platform by giving admittance to a more extensive scope of devices and assets. For financial backers, these organizations increment the perceivability and validity of COMBO, making it a more alluring speculation opportunity.

Decentralized Governance;

COMBO’s decentralized administration model guarantees that choices are made by the community, in addition to a limited handful. This gives financial backers a voice toward the platform, establishing a more comprehensive and cooperative climate. This degree of community contribution is fundamental for any task hoping to accomplish mass reception, and it’s a significant draw for financial backers.

User-Accommodating Interface;

COMBO’s easy to understand interface makes it simple for designers and gamers the same to explore the platform. This works on the course of game turn of events and guarantees that gamers can without much of a stretch find the games they’re searching for. This degree of ease of use is a central point in driving mass reception, as it makes Web3 gaming open to a more extensive scope of clients.


COMBO views security in a serious way, utilizing the most recent innovation and conventions to guarantee that the platform and its clients are shielded from programmers and different dangers. This degree of safety assists with building trust among financial backers, making them more positive about their venture.

Community Support;

The COMBO community is solid and developing, with a devoted gathering of engineers, gamers, and financial backers who are focused on making the platform a triumph. This degree of community support is fundamental for any task hoping to accomplish mass reception, and it’s a significant draw for financial backers.


COMBO Token will go about as the nearby identification of the Combo organic framework, and moreover power the climate. It is planned to run both on the Binance Wise Chain (BEP-20) and Ethereum Association (ERC-20) to engage anything number clients as would be reasonable who will lean toward any of the blockchains. Combo will moreover represent the reason for portion and stimuli inside the climate.


Token Name: COMBO Token
Token Picture: COMBO
Token Decimals: 18
Most noteworthy Reserve: 100,000,000
Token Adroit Arrangements:
ERC-20 0x0b92b826571065f37028496D26AA519F439a2039
BEP-20 0x0b92b826571065f37028496D26AA519F439a2039


COMBO is ready to upset the Web3 gaming industry with its open-source, decentralized, and game-arranged Layer2 platform. Our attention on adaptability, moderateness, and availability, joined with our essential associations, makes us interestingly situated to drive mass reception of Web3 gaming. By putting resources into COMBO, you’re not just putting resources into the eventual fate of Web3 gaming yet in addition in a platform that is devoted to making the most ideal gaming experience for the two engineers and gamers. Go along with us today and be a piece of the following huge thing in Web3 gaming!




Bitcointalk Username: satrunx12

Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2804234

BSC Address: 0xD4b7EdE77B389025b0edB1f6aebFbe0395D6e578

